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Tell me the secrets1244 viewsPlaying around with some new things, that I bought and I liked the picture

Savinia1189 viewsA character portrait of my cleric padawan, who grew faster than me in Vanguard. *hugs*

Dorothea1170 viewsMy new P&P RPG char.
Thanks to Elessar for her painting of the wolf and allowing me to use it in this picture.

Lena1164 views

Hafenamt Dortmund1144 views

Beli1132 viewsA friend asked me for a picture of Beli, a NPC from a roleplaying campaign. Here is the pictuer of Beli, the blind seer and her dog.

Echo from the past1117 viewsPlaying around with filters.

Sunrise1111 viewsYinadriel and Yiny, my online characters.

Resurrection1087 viewsDead pally, cleric rezzing, what else to say?

Goblin Shaman1066 views

Xyta1053 viewsMy pen-and-paper-character Xyta with her hawk Gomez in a casting duel with a skaven.

Haknamur1042 viewsA character portrait of my favorite dwarven smith and pally. *hugs*
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